
All posts for the month November, 2013

You can keep your domestic goddess…

Published November 20, 2013 by morganathereader

You can keep your domestic goddess…

…Because this gathering of Goddesses looks a lot more interesting.

Organised by the Rathcroghan Centre, Co Roscommon, Ireland, this is a festival surrounding the role of women in mythology, Irish history and  magic. The line up of speakers include Wicca Teacher Vivienne Crowley, writer Stephen Grundy, Herbalist Anna Ruadh and modern witches Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone.


I just couldn’t resist….

Published November 11, 2013 by morganathereader

….another deck of Cards.



But this time, I visited the Mind, Body and Spirit festival recently in Dublin at the Halloween break (and  the weather was turbulent, windy and I thought the trees were going to crash down on the way). Once inside I wandered around and spied a stall that I had previously had my eye on before. I joined a small queue and  picked up a deck of the Labyrinth Wisedom Cards by Tony Christie.

Tony is based in Cork and created a deck of 48 Oracle cards back in 2005. They are very popular and I later went to his talk on the cards at one of the session later. His stall at the exhibition was one of the most popular at the weekend.

The Cards

The imagery is bright and generally of warn oranges and red and for shuffling, the cards are glossy and easy to use (I have midget hands). What’s also good are the meaning of each card which comes with the booklet. The advice is clear, supporting and to the benefit of the seeker. As much as I like the 78 tarot cards some days I just want a good punchy message to guide me and the Labyrinth cards encase that guidance.

There are 3 readings in the booklet that Tony Christie recommends:

  1. The 3-card, past, present and future.
  2. The Chakra Spread
  3. The Body spread (7 cards shaped in the figure of a matchstick man)

I am going to work on them for another couple of weeks and then offer 3 free readings if anyone is interested.So reply below and let me know.

More information on the cards here:




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